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High Touch Service. From match selection to restaurant reservations. We are your dating concierge. Spend your time dating instead of searching. No online dating profile for the world to see. 29 Years’ Experience working with single professionals. It’s Just Lunch is the #1 Personalized Matchmaking service in the world! 100% FREE ONLINE DATING, NO LIMITS AND HAVE NO PAID SERVICES!! Find people who share your interests. Members can build their profile, send messages, friend people, interact with each other, share interests, and much more. Join us today, all is FREE, really free, no limits like on other 'free online dating' websites and we don`t have paid services! When economists say “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” what they mean is everything comes with a cost — it just might not be in dollars, euros, or yen.Savvy online daters may already be familiar with the hidden costs of a 100% free dating site. They may run into pop-up ads, or they may not have access to paid features, including messaging and viewing photos. Some free sites may.

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'… A dating service is trying to revolutionize the blind date. It’s Just Lunch offers clients a chance to get acquainted over lunch. The firm does all the work, making reservations, clearing the matches with customers. All couples have to do is show up.'